Além de receber o novo colega de apartamento, Andro, de Santiago de Compostela, Espanha, ontem tivemos a oportunidade de visitar La Valletta a noite, pois decorria um evento cultural, na capital de Malta, onde podíamos entrar em museus, igrejas, galerias de arte, assistir a concertos de diferentes países do mundo, como música folk, Opera, música clássica, tudo por um preço simbólico 0 EUROS! Exacto, GRÁTIS! As ruas estavam cheias, era um filme para circular, a capital estava completamente cheia...Vale mesmo a pena participar neste evento...adorei, foi espectacular!
Notte Bianca is an annual all-night cultural initiative of various countries around the world and Malta is no exception. Notte Bianca is now in its 5th fantastic year, and continues to promise an unforgettable evening of art, culture and much more. During Notte Bianca, Valletta's museums, historical buildings, private and public art galleries, and other cultural institutions are open free of charge and the capital is transformed into a city-wide festive gathering, including music, dance, film and theatre performances and providing space for both local and international artists to be appreciated by the general public throughout the night. From the majestic Caravaggio to exhibitions by young aspiring artists, from the romantic tunes of Chopin to the potent riffs of heavy metal Maltese Bands, from an engaging folk dance to magnificent contemporary jazz. It is this diversity tat makes Notte Bianca such an interesting and unique experience. This year some events are happening in a repetitive manner throughout the city, enabling you to get through the whole list of events without missing a thing and public transport is also available from Valletta to all Malta till late.
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